Sunday, December 5, 2010

Back in Dakar!

Ah! So the past month was a complete whirlwind. Yesterday I woke up a little before 5am and my host siblings walked me to a bus stop. Unsurprisingly, the bus is supposed to leave around 5:30, but we waited for more than an hour. The bus was really easy and I made fast friends with a number of the apprentices (the equivalent of the car rapides guys- they hung out the doors of the bus and tapped on the roof when people wanted to get off) who laughed at my poor Wolof abilities. The journey took quite awhile- we had to wait for a ferry to cross the river at Foundiougne- but I ate a lot of sugared peanuts and enjoyed the ride. The bus driver was playing mbalax loudly and I had a nice window seat to enjoy the Senegalese landscape as we went. Last night I passed a relaxing evening with some of my friends here indulging in all of the foods we didn't get access to in the village- pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, etc. It was so nice to catch up! I was also pleasantly surprised by how comfortable I felt immediately when I got home. My house here really is like home! I missed my mom and we had a nice chat to catch up. I am sad to only have a week left. There are definitely things I am going to miss. I feel like I am finally at ease and now I'm leaving! But I couldn't be happier to be heading off to France and I can't wait to get home in time for the holidays!
I have been keeping blogs since I left for my internship, so I will start to post some of those now. It may seem a little anticlimactic since I am already back in Dakar, but I figure since I won't actually be home for another few weeks, maybe it will have a similar effect.
Also here's a link to my facebook album with a few photos from my time in Mbam:

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