Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nam nam nam

I have been avoiding writing this post because I really think it is going to turn out rambly and not be nearly as interesting as it probably could be, but nothing all that interesting or funny has happened this week, so I am giving in.
The food here is really delicious for the most part. In fact, at my house it always is. We don't often eat the mystery meat that so many people complain about and I have never been served Senegalese cous cous (which I hear is pretty awful). I do often find myself being grateful for the multivitamins I brought along, however, given that a large part of the diet lacks fresh fruits and veggies. And also contains a ton of processed, bleached flour and refined sugar. 
I don't really know what my family eats for lunch because to be honest I am never actually home during the lunch hour. I am pretty excited to (probably?) eat lunch with my family at my internship to see what lunch is because it is the biggest meal of the day.
A typical dinner is meat, carbs, and sauce. My family most often eats beef, although fish and chicken are also common. We almost always have baguette, although lately the price of bread has been high so that isn't really guaranteed. Dinner always also includes at least one other starchy something. Rice is everywhere and french fries (made from real potatoes fried in palm oil) are often featured. Yassa, or onion sauce, is the most common condiment. Other nights, this spicy something or another that probably contains a ton of MSG douses my rice. My family also loves ketchup, although I usually opt out of that. Vegetables are not altogether common, but some nights there will be boiled cabbage, manioc or carrots. My family also often makes this mushy pea dish that is: mushy peas, yassa, beef, and fried potatoes. Delicious! I eat so much here. My family has stopped eating from a communal dish and serves me my own plate. On an average night I eat enough food to feed two or three of my normal self. I justify it because my lunch is usually just fresh fruit and yogurt. 
I will try to take some photos of my dinners and add them someday soon to make this a little more exciting...

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